My low of yesterday.... Oh being a mom.... doesn't it ever overwhelm anyone but me!?! First of all there is the constant I want this I want that - heck everyone's needs all at once especially at about 6PM.... Never seeming to be able to get ahead anywhere especially in the house... or heck taking care of myself...... Mostly though yesterday it was weighing on me so heavy... I have two boys with small "issues" as I call them. Jarom and his writing/reading regression.... I don't know what is happening - I don't know who to get to help me and heck the school system is no help.... Then Elijah I am more than a bit nervous his left foot (he has the left side cerebral palsy) is now doing some severe inward rotation... dang I just want answers.... In some ways I truly wish there was a how-to manual with my children. Heck I don't want to control them (like some certain person told me) I just want to know what I need to be doing...... I know everything I do right or wrong effects them down the road. I just want to make the right choices for them....Well maybe enough off of my shoulders.....
Astrology Zone Virgo Horoscope
8 months ago
Oh Laura.
You have alot on your plate.
Hang in there.
Yes, we all have days like that (weeks, months!)
Keep blogging. Keep sharing.
Plus you have such a great family support system - use them to voice your concerns. That's what they're there for.
Hugs to you!
Thanks Rachel. you too have had a lot going on!!!!! Thanks for your kind words.
I have been feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders lately too. I never feel like I can keep up and I think we all feel so alone when it comes to this, but really we all are dealing with our own struggles!
Hang in there, I think you're the best woman for the job. You're so resourceful, I have faith you'll figure it out. Good luck and hang in there!
oh my dear Laura..... you don't know how much I think you are the most wonderful mom, sister, and daughter there ever could be!!!! Hang in there this too will you, mom
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