Monday, June 2, 2008

Never know what I may cook for dinner ? LOL

Look where Sariah went while I was cooking dinner...

She was fine - until she forgot how she got in LOL.....


Amber said...

LOL awesome. I have one of those too. He is everywhere or putting his toys everywhere. I found another train in my washer machine today too. Silly kids.

Holmes Family said...

How fun! I cannot believe how much she's grown. Kristen would do that in our home in AZ, but we don't have a drawer at the bottom of our stove here. What a little cutie! Take care

rachel said...

Oh sad little girl. CUTE!

Naomi said...

ha ha she is so funny..
AND Cute..:D :D :D :D
never knew she could
get in there. :)

Shy said...

Too funny! They can always get into the darndest places. :)